Driving directions to Traditional Archery Supply

Street sign for Traditional Archery Supply

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Traditional Archery Supply is UPSTAIRS

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Never heard of Whitman, Massachusetts? Well that's OK because most people haven't either! We are easy to get to from all directions.

From the East:
Take Rt. 123(w) => Rt.18(s) => intersection with Rt. 27. We are 1/8 mile south from there on the left.

From the West:
Depending on where you're starting from, you can either take Rt. 495 (S) => Rt. 138 (N) => Rt. 106 (E) => Rt. 18 (N) about 6 miles on your right or you can pick up the Mass. Turnpike (Rt. 90 (E) =>.Rt.128/I-95 (S) => Rt. 3 (S) => exit 16B, Rt. 18(S) -> about 9 miles to the left.

From the North:
Depending on where you start take Rt. 128/I-95 and follow directions as from west or follow I-93 thru Boston to Rt. 3 (S) => exit 16B => about 9 miles to the left.

From the South: Depending on where you start: from Rhode Island / Taunton direction take Rt. 95 (N) => Rt. 128/I-95 (E) => Rt. 3 (S) => exit 16B => about 9 miles to the left or from Cape Cod/ Plymouth area take Rt. 3 (N) to Rt. 18 (S) => about 9 miles to the left.
Google map and address below



Tues. thru Fri. - 10am to 6pm EST

Saturday - 10am to 4pm EST

CLOSED Sunday and Monday

   Driving Directions

Traditional Archery Supply
659 Bedford St. (Rt. 18)
Whitman, MA
02382 USA
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