Shakespeare Tioga Recurve

60" - 45# @ 28"
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Shakespeare Tioga Recurve - 60in-45lb - UsedShakespeare Tioga Recurve - 60in-45lb - BackShakespeare Tioga Recurve - 60in-45lb - SpecsShakespeare Tioga Recurve - 60in-45lb - NameShakespeare Tioga Recurve - 60in-45lb - ShelfShakespeare Tioga Recurve - 60in-45lb - RiserShakespeare Tioga Recurve - 60in-45lb - TipShakespeare Tioga Recurve - 60in-45lb - Ding

- Fair Finish Condition:  Passable refinish, labeling removed

- Good Fiberglass Condition:  Light stress, one ding below grip

- Excellent Limb Condition:  Little to no twist

- Grip laminations showing no signs of separation

- Grip is suited for medium-wrist position, and medium or large hands

- Likely 1968 model

- Endless Loop B-50 string with fur silencers included



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Shipping and handling costs excede the value of this item.
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Tues. thru Fri. - 10am to 6pm EST

Saturday - 10am to 4pm EST

CLOSED Sunday and Monday

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Traditional Archery Supply
659 Bedford St. (Rt. 18)
Whitman, MA
02382 USA
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