Bear 'Byron Ferguson Patriot' Longbow

64" - 50#@28"
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Bear Byron Ferguson Patriot LongbowBear Byron Ferguson Patriot Longbow backBear Byron Ferguson Patriot Longbow nameBear Byron Ferguson Patriot Longbow specsBear Byron Ferguson Patriot Longbow specsBear Byron Ferguson Patriot Longbow detailBear Byron Ferguson Patriot Longbow shelfBear Byron Ferguson Patriot Longbow riserBear Byron Ferguson Patriot Longbow riser

- Good Finish Condition: Typical handling wear,scuffing and scratching; some overspray from snakeskin backing.

- Excellent Fiberglass Condition: No visible stress or damage on belly; back is obscured

- Snakeskin backing applied

- Good headroom for overdraw

- Medium-sized grip with thick leather wrap

- Dyneema flemish string included






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